Friday, April 18, 2014

Life has a way of getting busy and I forget about this thing. A quick update, my daughter is now 6 months old. I'm not sure how I feel about that. The other night she couldn't sleep so I took her to her room and rocked her and sang her to sleep. I ended up crying while doing so. She's growing so much, not just in age but in actions and appearances too. Her face is really maturing. And she's so independent. I'm scared for the day when she doesn't need me anymore. That's about all except I started a headband business. Let me know if you want the link for the site.

Today I want to talk about breastfeeding versus formula feeding. I chose that topic because I am breastfeeding as I type this. Lol.

First of all, I just want to remind you that this is not a debate. I am not bashing anyone who does opposite of what I do. I am not saying I am better than anyone either. I am just simply stating what I do and why I do it. So please keep the negativity to yourself.

Here goes.

I'm not sure when I decided to breastfeed. I don't remember ever even considering giving formula. I guess I had always thought that everyone breastfed and only if they couldn't for some reason did they give formula. I don't think I was breastfed. I'm almost positive I wasn't. I don't have the best health but I don't think it's because I wasn't breastfed. I just have yucky health.

The first time I was ever exposed to breastfeeding I was 4 years old. I was in my gymnastics class and a mother just pulled her breast out and started feeding her baby. I remember being interested because I was 4 years old and my mother (who was our instructor) shooing me away. Even then it in 1989 was slightly taboo.

I didn't have another breastfeeding encounter until I was around 20 or 21. I went all that time without ever hearing about it or seeing anyone do it. And suddenly I had a friend that had a baby and was doing it.

It bothers me deeply that I went that long without being around it or seeing it out somewhere. Even now after nursing for 6 months and being more aware of breastfeeding,  I have yet to see another person nurse in public. It really upsets me that it's turned into something so taboo and sexual but that's an entry for another day.

There was never any other option when I got pregnant. I was breastfeeding. End of story. I was going to be dedicated and make it work. Nothing against formula, but i don't believe it is the healthiest for your child. I know they try but i have seen graphs with all the stuff breast milk has that formula doesn't and that sticks with me. I mean, i am giving my child something my body creates specifically for her needs. Why would i not want to give her that?

I never gave myself a goal like most moms do. I told myself i was breastfeeding, period. And yes, it takes some work. You have to be patient but it is only rough the first ten days or so because your nipples are so dang sore and you have to get past the initial engorgement of getting your milk in.

Breastfeeding my daughter has been the best experience. There is definitely a huge bond there (not to say formula fed babies don't bond, I swear) and there's NOTHING like having your little miracle nursing away and looking up at you with perfect content in their eyes. My angel wants to hold my hand while she eats. She reaches for it every time and i adore it.

I wanted to breastfeed at least until she turns one but have since decided to stop when she stops. Does that mean i will let her nurse til she is four? No. But i will let her go past 12 months if she wants.

I know she's only going to be little once.

Bottom line: As long as you are feeding your baby, I applaud you. No matter how. You are doing what is right for you and that makes you a good mom.