Saturday, March 29, 2014

hello again...

I've had trouble finding time to write lately. Between having a teething baby who is super clingy and won't nap unless she's in my arms and all the housework I'm behind, I just haven't had the energy to write.

The next several entries I'm going to write are going to be regarding some "controversial" topics. But then again, aren't they all? I've discovered people are a whole lot more judgemental once you're a mom. So as a disclaimer, I'm just writing what I do and what I feel is and works best for my child. I promise to be open-minded towards anyone who practices different forms of parenting as long as you promise to do the same for me. I fully support a mother's right to choose how to raise their own child. After all, if we all raised our babies the same, the world would be super boring and full of the same people.

So here are some of the topics I'm going to be writing about....

*breastfeeding/formula feeding
*CoSleeping/bed sharing
*stay at home mom/working mother
*friends and lack thereof after baby
*daycare/babysitting/going out
*baby wearing/cry it out method/attachment parenting

And whatever else I think about. I'm sure some of these will be in the same entries. But let me state I will not apologize for how I raise my child. I worked hard to get her here. Please no negative feedback.

Love and well wishes.

Monday, March 17, 2014


It's been a long time since I've blogged. My passion is writing and I barely find the time to do so anymore so I figured I'd take advantage of naptime and such. So here goes nothing:

My name is Amanda. I'm 28. I love to read and take hot bubble baths. But this blog isn't about me. I'm a first time mom. My daughter is 5 months and 3 days old. Her name is Sophia and she's the best thing that's ever happened to me. But this blog isn't exactly about her either.

It's more about the journey but then again isn't it always? Life is one big journey to a destination to be determined. I don't know what my child will do when she's grown. Will she be a teacher? A mother of three? A lover of cats? I can honestly say I've never thought about those things until this moment. Even now I pack those thoughts up neatly and places them in the back of my mind. It doesn't matter right now. Maybe it won't for years. What I worry about and what I want most is her happiness. Every parent says that. And I'm sure they mean it on some level. But it is my greatest hope. You see, I didn't have a happy childhood. My mother was ripped from my life when I was 13 and it all went downhill from there.

For the longest time I let that mold me. It shaped my life in the darkest ways. But the moment I laid my eyes on this beautiful girl asleep in my lap, my world shifted. The sun became a little brighter. The sky a little bluer. Even the birds sang a little sweeter. Life just became grander.

Enough of the mushiness. I'm sure there will be enough of that at a later date. But for now, a quick  recap.

Sophia was born October 14th at 5:05pm. 6lbs, 11oz. 18 inches long. We had a rough go at first with her jaundice and failure to gain weight. Then we had a stay at Children's hospital when she was under a month old. We never could find out what was wrong with her, they just were assuming it was a stomach virus or something. The rest of her short life has been healthy. She's almost 16lbs now. The past 5 months have flown by but she's advancing right on schedule, quicker than I'd like. She's rolling over back to belly and belly to back. Sitting and standing with assistance. She was exclusively breastfed until yesterday when she tried carrots for the first time. She likes to go swimming. She talks A LOT. She prefer to be outside and the color red is her favorite. Oh, and she has an obsession with ladybugs. There isn't much that she doesn't like besides wind. She's pretty awesome.

Stay tuned for more entries. They'll be random. Some will be funny. Some I'm sure will be full of venting. But most of all they'll be a way for me to document these beautiful, spectacular days.